This layout wasn't supposed to happen. But, you know, sometimes you just feel like cutting without much thinking. I found a few pictures - leftover form a previous page, a not so good one, the one I didn't like the colors of, a few other random ones and I just started to cut them. I was just having fun...

Happy scrapping everyone! Or should I say - Happy Memory Keeping! It seems like the second term applies to a wider variety of people lately.
Take a few pictures... add a page to your photo book... write a little note of something funny that happened recently but you might forget later (and believe me, you will. I keep finding those little notes of what my kids said, and I read them like I've never heard that before.) Our memory is not 100 percent reliable.
See you later dear friends!
Wow Anya, a very nice "randomly gathered" LO!!! :-) And the black is very nice and sophisticated, but yet fun. I love it!! And if you didn't tell us that it was random pictures i would of never guessed that you didn't plan it! :-) and i really like the title, catchy! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks sister! You are so sweet!
ОтветитьУдалитьWow, Anya, ti stala yspevat' delat' neskolko pages a week. Pravil'no, a to in june tebe naverno yzhe bydet ne do etogo. Very nice "unplaned" page. I don't know why u don't like black, it actually looks good. Like Ira said "sophisticated".
ОтветитьУдалитьHi Mama, ya budu doma chrez 30 minut, see ya then! Segodnya early dismissal ;D
ОтветитьУдалитьNice "just cleaning my table" page :) Like everyone else said, black looks good here. For me too much white is actually a little bit intimidating, I always feel like I have to fill it up with something and that it might look empty...
ОтветитьУдалитьReally like the strip of writing going through the pictures.
Da Katya, you're right. I'm home all the time and it seems like nothing gets done... All I do is feed, change diapers, wash and then again :) But it's all worth it!!!
By the way, mne ochen' nravitsya zima v etom gody. Eta nedelya pochti vsya in the 40s. Anya, doesn't want to tell me her ultrasound date. Does anybody know? Anya, mi rano ili pozdno vsyo ravno yznaem.
ОтветитьУдалитьСпасибо всем за комментарии. Катя я не нелюблю черный цвет, я его просто боялась использовать на страницах - не только бумагу но даже черные буквы алфавита :)
ОтветитьУдалитьЛорачка, та линия со словами - это вырезка из твоего листочка :)
Катя, рано или поздно... рано не узнаете, но мы всем вам обязательно сообщим!