I love Pinterest. It's always nice to go there and check a few things... get inspired... get new ideas... But lately I have been asking myself "Is it helpful or is it planning to ruin my budget?"

Dangerous. I know. Changing a color of the room is just a little pricier than changing a background paper on the layout. I guess there wasn't much harm when I visited scrapbooking related sites only. Yeas, there were moments when I fell in love with some paper and I had it on my wish list on the site store... but now I want some new pieces of furniture... new rug... or chandelier... or change things around... or...
You may or may not be related to this problem, but if you do can you share an advice on how to deal with it? Do you just keep not liking the wall colors, enjoy your old boring area rug or you actually may need to change something?
Just a thought.
I'll see you tomorrow with photos of PL!
OK sister I can really help you with this! I am complete opposite of you. I get too comfortable with how it is and as long as it stays clean (which is REALLY challenging even with the kids a little older now) I would be happy. So if you have too many ideas and don’t know what to do with them, you can go visit your sister next door and suggest something to her . Oh you can even make new flower arrangement or something like that for her.
ОтветитьУдалитьJust trying to help you!
I think that definitely relates to pregnancy. I wouldn't suggest changing anything at this point because after you have your baby, you will think "what have I done?" lol
ОтветитьУдалитьI totally agree with Anka!!! So sorry that you’re not feeling awesome but this is so not the time to change anything!! And knowing you, you’ll probably not like it later! Plus, the cravings that you had in the beginning, I’m kind of afraid your house will look like and smell like the “hospital”! The food, the smell of bleach, and everything will be white! Hang in there… ;-) think about something else! I know I haven’t owned a house for that long, but I think I’ll probably be me like Tanya. I also get comfortable in the same place and would be almost afraid to change it.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya I kept looking at all those pictures and you've got some very tasty looking deserts there. So if you get inspired to make some, I am willing to help you with making them dissapear.
ОтветитьУдалитьOooo... now i agree with Tanya!!! If any desert making will be happening i'll come over!! ;-)
ОтветитьУдалитьHold on a minute? What about me? I want some of Anya's masterpieces too!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd to help her even more, she can use any color combinations! Brown (lots of chocolate) works great with these "master pieces" and any colorful toppings!
Ха-ха-ха!! Я не ожидала такого обилия советов! Должна сказать что в принципе я как раз и хотела чтобы меня кто то остановил :) а то, соглашаясь со всеми комментариями сверху, мне наверное и новый цвет и новая обстановка перенравилась бы... Спасибо также за улыбки которые вы принесли своими советами!
ОтветитьУдалитьПошла я лучше поработаю над тем что не несет с собой большого ущерба кошельку :)
Anya, you want to change ur wall colors already? yeah, it's definitely pregnancy. I am kinda used to my white boring walls, plus we are not allowed to paint them, that saves us money. But lately I noticed that i kinda became very obsessed with cleannes in the house(if that makes sense). Maybe it's pregnancy related too i dont know.
ОтветитьУдалитьyea Anya...might b a little dangerous to do anything right now...just wait a bit and we'll know if it was true or just pregnancy :)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnka, i remember when u told me about the fabrics u bought when u were pregnant :D
And Anya, if you're making any of those 'masterpieces' everyone is talking about, I'd like a part of that too :)
Katya, yea, it's called nesting, your starting early :) usually it is towards the end of the pregnancy :)
Все ясно, все намекают на что то вкусненькое... похоже что мы созреваем к нашей встрече! Я не думаю что вас удовлетворит просто фото на блоге :)
ОтветитьУдалитьА на счет краски, хотя бы один поддержал :( Ладно, придется с краской подождать... А то Ира права, я бы наш дом превратила в белый госпиталь :)
Oh, yea! Everything had to be in print and flowers when I was pregnant... (makes me laugh now)
ОтветитьУдалитьso where is the PL promised? and how come i have to find things out from third parties?
ОтветитьУдалитьSo Lora, It happened again. Just as promised to post something, my printed ran out of ink :( It really made me mad. And posting wordless PL wasn't fun.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd the surprise part was originally planned in that PL post! Sorry :(
That's alright... :)
ОтветитьУдалитьMy mom was telling me all about it :)
She asked if you posted anything :) hehe
Anya, congratulation! This is the year of boys only, so u ve got to have a boy.