I know it's kinda out of season, but isn't that one of the reasons we love scrapbooking so much? We can be anywhere anytime we choose to be. That is my favorite part. Calendar says it's January, but I've been enjoying warm August day all morning...
I've had these pictures for quite some time and I knew I'll be using these papers with them, but it's officially the first layout of the year:

I LOVE layers. All these papers on the side don't really have a purpose.
They just make me happy. Well, I guess they do have a purpose then...

I found this sticker phrase and thought it would go well with the LO:

And here is a close up of the
journaling for those who likes to read (or those who want to see how many mistakes I've made this time):

Most papers came from one of my favorite paper collections I've shared before -
Couture by

Hope you are
enjoying a New Year and find time to look back at either December to get DD closer to be completed or a whole year to remind yourself of all the blessings you've had.
See you later!
Anya I think you should keep having girls, because your layouts with the girls turn out very, very amazing! Absolutely love this page, love the colors, the theme, the pictures, Liana's dress. And the journaling, yea I remember how bad you wanted to have a stroller! Wow tak detstvo vspominaetsya smotrya na ety stranichku. Very nice!
ОтветитьУдалитьAWWW!!! Anya what a Lovely layout!!! Its absolutely adorable, and i believe all of us can relate to it. As far as i can remember I also wanted a doll and a stroller. But now at my age, I believe I really would not mind a real doll and a stroller! ;-) but God willing I'm pretty sure it will happen at the right time.
ОтветитьУдалитьIra mi dejstvitelno vse xoteli, no mne osobenno zapomnilos kak Anya silno xotela, a ya somehow xotela mashinu ezdit ili velosiped bolshe chem kolyasochku (strannaya I guess)
ОтветитьУдалитьYour time will come, po Bozhieey vole v nuzhnoe vremya! Xotya konechno ochen xotelos bi poznakomitsya s takim novim chelovechekom Alex/Ira mix :)
No Bog znaet kak i kogda luche!
:-) yeah i know it will :-) but of the "mix" i hope its more of Sashenka then me, he is absolutely perfect, and to have a little one like him would be such a Blessing!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьNice LO! At first glance I thought it was Alenka (without my glasses, hehe) and even so, I thought that Liana looks so much like Alenka. Then, looking closer I figured out who it was :)
ОтветитьУдалитьLove the layers as well, and sometimes there doesn't have to be a reason for things, but just because it feels right :D
So the subject seems to be staying on babies right now...even Anya's LO has a baby doll and stroller :)
Thank you girls so much! You always make me feel like it was worth spending time :)
ОтветитьУдалитьBaby talk... yes, we are still waiting on a baby story from Lora :)
still didn't get the pictures :(
ОтветитьУдалитьI can't finish DD without them. Ira, I hope you are doing urs. It required pictures and text only. I think we all want to see it. And Tanya, make sure you order urs soon so u get it on time. Well, anyway, I just thought i needed to leave a comment so everyone else will start talking again.
hahaha You are right... I reallly hope I get my and yours tomorrow. Can't do anything either.
ОтветитьУдалить:) I was going to write something, but you beat me to it :) At least someone is keeping us going... Anya, when are we going to see the next post? I know I don't come here as often as I used to, but that doesn't mean you should post less often ;) Or are you trying to surprise us with the things you are working on? :)
ОтветитьУдалитьИзвеняюсь девочки... но с накопившейся стиркой я врядли смогу вас удивить... Но я начала новую страничку в пятницу, и думаю завтра ее закончить :) Разве что фото рецепта вставить можно было, такое в коллекции есть...
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, are u sure you ll be able to finish ur page tomorrow night? remember...we should get our pictures tomorrow, and i don't think u ll be finishing ur page when i am there ;)