Hello everyone! I promised to be back with PL on Friday, but as I have said it before, when I promise something, usually I can't keep that promise because something must go wrong. My printer decided to run out of ink, therefore I couldn't print any of the journaling cards. Let me at least share the beginning of it today.

When I received PL kit by Becky Higgins back in December for my 2011 album, I knew I wouldn't use all of it. After putting almost entire album together, I still had a good portion of it left. So I'm using a new paper pack plus leftovers from Becky's kit. I found a Wedding paper pack that had the perfect paper selection with light creams and grays. To start, I cut out 52 title cards (one for each week) from that paper pack:

... And as if "out of ink" wasn't enough for me, my camera was dropped yesterday and now all pictures are out of focus. Sad. Seriously, it fell of the bench only one and a half feet from the ground. Who would've thought it would cause damage to it?
See you soon, and hopefully with only good news next time.
I am the first commenter today. Anya, i didnt know you were doing another project. I hope you finished your DD. You are doing like four projects at the same time. Are u sure it's not pregnancy related?
ОтветитьУдалитьWell, whatever you do.. it looks good
ОтветитьУдалитьLora, where are the pictures of your baby boy?
ОтветитьУдалитьYeah Anya, very nice!!! I was kinda hoping to see all the pages on here :-D but i guess i already saw 4 and my fave was the last one!!! ;) and Lora... yeah where are the pictures??? We wanna see the little guy!!! :-) Ohh so many little boys, i'm so excited!! ;-) i'm gaining 3 nephews!!! :-) yaaay
ОтветитьУдалитьKatya, it's not like I'm workin gon all of them at once. I may have one "in the oven" for weeks, and then come back to work on it again. So going back and forth is what keeps it fun!
ОтветитьУдалитьIra how is Lora's baby a nephew to you? :)) I told Lora she needs a blog... then we would've seen photos of the little prince already.
Oh, Ira uzhe davno zapisalas v tyoti k nam :) And everyone, you will see him soon enough ;) and how do you expect pictures of my son on Anya's blog? Plus I tried sending some pics to Ira's email, but for some reason they weren't sending....and trust me, I sent quiet a few emails...But then Ira decided to see him in real life over skype :) As for the rest of you...maybe wait until Sunday...
ОтветитьУдалитьBut just to let you know, everyone says he looks like Zhenya, there's a part of me in there somewhere :D
And Anya, I told you so, I was right ;)
Aww, I would LOVE to be Dimochka auntie ;) but I didn’t make a mistake, I really did mean 3 NEW nephews!! Katya’s little boy, Ira’s little boy (and girl) and Anya now your little boy! ;) I’m a really rich aunt!!! I’m going to have 7 nieces and 7 nephews all together!! Woohooo :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьAnd Lorik can't wait to see him in real life, even if he does look like Zhenya ;-) lol :-) and yeah Anya... we were ALL RIGHT!!! :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьBy the way i hope you take it the right way... we are all excited you are having a baby Boy, but we would be just as excited if it was a girl! It's just super excitement because of us being right!! ;-) :-)
Anya mi vsetaki okazalis pravi na schet malchika, ya naprimer inache i nemogla predstavit na etot raz. A teper ostalos ygadat na kogo poxozhim budet, mne kazhetsya on takoy goluboglaziy budet i so svetlimi kucheryami kak Vitya bil. Anya pomnich ty fotku kogda Vitya s Vovoy sidyat im gdeto po godiky, vot takoy vash malenkiy "Sasha" mne kazhetsya i budet. Xotya na toy fotke Vitya s toboy kogda ti bila malen'kaya poxozhi.
ОтветитьУдалитьTanya i could not agree more!!! The description is totally how i imagine the "little Sashenka" its ;-) its like you took the words right out of my mouth :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьHaha yep, ostalos posmotret ili mi pravi i na etot raz :) Now I can't wait!
ОтветитьУдалитьYeah! Me too!!! :-) and can't wait to see Katyas baby... but no predictions there, have no idea for that littlr one! ;-) except for dark brown hair :-D
ОтветитьУдалитьhehe, I remember you saying that :) but you also will have a niece, you are going to be a very rich auntie :) Well, Ira is the one who broke the year of the boys with a girl, but ei mozhno, since the boy is in there too :)
ОтветитьУдалитьhehe this is so funny!! Ira.. aren't you excited to see my babies too?? you didn't mention you want to see what mine are going to look like ;/ lol.. JK so anya is naming her boy sasha?? aww that's cute!! so many sashas!! excited for everybody with babies because they are all precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьIrraaaaaaaa :-) YAAAYYYYY!!! Of coarse i'm excited!!! I didnt write it cuz i never knew you come here! WELCOME! :-) Yaaay and actually kinda scared to guess cuz Ruvimochka started out different dark hair and now look at that little cutie ;) but mostly i'm excited to see if the little girl and the little boy will look alike ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьWow! All this baby talk... Aren't the rest of you people who is not pregnant (the majority is!) don't want a baby too now?! :))
ОтветитьУдалитьoh yeah I am on here once in a while :) like to see what anya's posts and how good she is at scrapbooking! makes me jealous I can't do it like her. lol.. hehe I know if you want you can babysit them too :) but don't overkiss them =D lol sasha will be excited it's double the kisses now.. but I think I will start charging now.. maybe I can get rich!! hahahaha
ОтветитьУдалитьlol Ira.... u should! :)
ОтветитьУдалитьIra M that was the best idea ever! If I charged Sasha a dime for each of Liana's kisses, her college would have been paid off by now :))
ОтветитьУдалитьO.K. i'm not really like this charging thing!!! Your guys should be thankful that your kids are getting his kisses!! They are the best kisses in the world! I would know ;) cuz when i finaly get one its means a lot! They are rare :( lol ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьI totaly wrote that wrong! I men to say... i'm not LIKING this charging thing! and YOU guys should be thankful! and the word "its" is also wrong, ment to say "it"! Wow its too early for writing... i need more sleep!
ОтветитьУдалитьIra :) we all make mistakes when we want to write something fast, it's ok :)